Monday, March 23, 2009

Around Town

Nature constantly amazes me. The new leaves are bright read to turn green when they mature.

I love this photo. It was taken with so little light, it was close to 7pm, freezing cold, I was walking home when I saw my neighbors' magnolia tree in bloom and had to shoot the last few photos.

The lovely lady who lives in this house always plants many of the same flower in front of her house. When in bloom, they create an amazing reflection on her beautiful windows (few years back it was California poppies, the windows were on fire!). It looks as if the daffodils are actually inside the house. The white hand is actually a purse, she has the cutest things decorating this room.


Pippi said...

Ciao Laura piacere di conoscerti! hai un blog bellissimo con foto stupende.... ;-) non ho ben capito dove vivi.. comunque siamo omonime....anch'io mi chiamo Laura heheh ti aspettocon lo strudel ok? a presto Pippi

Pippi said...

Cara Laura sono tornata da te e mi sono guardata tutto il tuo blog... fino al pirmo post che hai pubblicato, ho pure fatto copia incolla di un paio di ricette ;-)
Credo che tu stia in un vero paradiso e se ho ben capito sei una pasticcera? che meraviglia!
ciao Pippi


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