Tuesday, March 17, 2009

For the Love of Green

Not that I celebrate St. Patrick's day, or that I have Irish blood (I have been to Ireland if that counts), but I had some cooked nettles in my fridge so I made a nettle frittata for lunch. I got my greens for the day and loads of minerals, Yum!

Nettle Frittata

1/2 to 3/4 cup cooked nettles*
4 eggs
pinch of salt
EV olive oil

Whisk the eggs then add the nettles and the salt. Mix well then cook in a hot non-stick pan. After few minutes turn the frittata and cook on the other side until golden.
*I cooked a shallot in olive oil and then added the nettles until cooked through, 5-8 minutes.

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