This easy and accessible trail is part of the Golden Gate National Recreational Area, located in the Marin Headlands. The trail is 1.8 mile long, it starts at the trail head parking lot and ends at Tennessee Cove, a small sandy beach on the Pacific Ocean. The Valley you walk through was known as Elk Valley, once popular for hunting deer, bears, elk, coyotes and wild turkeys. Two years ago we run into a bobcat, just few feet away from us. This amazing animal was hunting a rodent and as we stopped to look at it and take pictures it slowly turned toward us and gave us a look as to say: Can't you see I am busy here? It then slowly walked away, very annoyed by our interruption.

It was pretty cold at 9am and some plants were still covered in frost.
The trail is spectacular, the Miwok Indians must have been thriving in this area.
On the side of the trail there is a eucalyptus grove which makes the trail even more beautiful, but somewhat unnatural.
I was joined by two wonderful friends, J. and M., so I knew the hike would be fun. We stopped at the horse stables to visit a friend of J.'s.

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